Thursday, July 30, 2009

She is Home!!

Priscilla is home! After a year in Taiwan teaching english she is back. What an amazing year she had and she has so many memories. I am so glad she was able to go, I think she will look back on this time in her life and be so grateful for the experiences she had. We sure are glad to have her home though!! When she left for her adventure I lived in NY wasn't pregnant yet and my older brother and his wife had a new baby and lived about 2 hours outside of Fort Worth. Now she is home and I live here and have a baby, by brother and his family live minutes away so its been such fun! I think it has taken her some time to settle back into life here, I can only imagine how much of a shift it must be. She has had lots of time to love on Ava and came home just in time to start enjoying her changing daily and being oh so much fun! 

My baby girl laughs now and it is the cutest thing in the entire world! She has lots to say and is full of life!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bits and pieces of my life.

:: My sister comes home Friday from a year of teaching English in Taiwan. We could not be more excited to see her! She will finally get to meet Ava too! It has been 2 years since I have lived in the same state as Priscilla so I am thrilled to live by my closest sister again, it will be fun to have her so close and it will take some time for me to get used to remembering she is here!

:: Sleep update, my baby girl is sleeping wonderfully! She goes to sleep when we do and sleeps for around 4 hours then wakes up to eat and then goes right back to sleep and sleeps another 2-3 hours the eats again then sleeps another 2-3 hours normally. I know I am SO blessed! We are making progress with our day schedule and I do feel like we have some routine that I can count on most days. I am not huge on a schedule but I do like having some routine that we can count on and it makes us both so much happier when we have sleep!

:: It is TOO HOT in Texas for me! After living in up state NY for a year I lost my tolerance for the heat I think. I just don't remember it being this hot! I love lots about summer, but 90 degrees would be a good high for me. I am grateful I have a little baby and a good reason to stay inside with my little one!

:: I am making some effort to get this baby weight off, I am so tired of my limited wardrobe and refuse to buy clothes that are my size now. This whole breastfeeding thing has not made my weight "melt" off as I was told often happens. I started walking this week and plan to stay regular with that and add some trips to the gym when baby will allow. I have too many clothes in my closet that I want to wear again and I am not ok with settling for this larger version of me. I hope to spend the next 4 months getting back in shape and my goal is by the time she is 6 months old to be back to my active thinner self.

:: I am starting to pull the books out and study for the Midwifery license exam, I am taking that in October and it is a very in depth hard test from what I have heard so I am a little nervous to take that but so looking forward to having that behind me!

:: Ava is now 9 weeks old and growing so much! She has developed such a sweet little personality and neither of us can imagine life without our baby girl! She brings so much joy to our home!!

::My Mom is getting a blog set-up and when she does if you are a mom, wife or one day hope to be any of those you will want to read her blog! I know I am so excited to keep up with it. Mom has such wisdom to offer and I am thrilled that she will have a new out to share and encourage others with. In my opinion she has LOTS that needs to be heard and I know will encourage all those that read it. I will let you all know once she has her site up and running.